I am DBS Checked and Fully Insured. All my services can be provided in Hindi and Punjabi
There is absolutely nothing on my website that I haven’t done myself. From the online antenatal course, to birth trauma REWIND therapy with Alex heath in preparation for my second birth. I connected with a bad ass doula called Lucy who I am totally in love with and she helped me achieve the birth that I wanted with Deveena. It was truly awesome!
Yes I have sleep trained both my daughters! I write this without shame because sleep training does not equal cry it out!! Without it I honestly don’t know how I would have coped. When Deveena was born she had reflux and a suspected dairy allergy. The first 4 months of her life were spent constantly wiping up and changing clothes and wondering how on earth we are going to get through this and if or when she will get better. A friend of mine recommended sleep training when her symptoms were at bay and that was it. We had a different baby. She stopped snacking, took fuller feeds, slept better, was more rested, happier, healthier and I knew exactly what she wanted when she wanted. So her belly was not going through digestive overload because I had a routine. It was an absolute god send. It saved our family and in turn I have saved others.
I can write a whole heap of stuff that talks about how I love working with women and always have done. But what I actually want to say is that I GET IT…. Whatever that ‘it’ is. I get it. The dark stuff, the pure exhaustion, the wanting to run away and the few minutes you need to hide somewhere where nobody can find you to just have a cry. The constant comparing with other mums and feeling not good enough or always wondering if you could be should be doing more. Just like I did.
My journey has allowed me to help hundreds of women and families. Along the way many questions have risen; When a woman goes through something hard, exhausting, traumatic where can she go? Who does she have to talk to? Does she feel like people listen to her? Does she know she is allowed to have these feelings? How does she cope and what is she truly feeling deep down inside? Or does she just get up and get on with it believing that’s what she is meant to do? Yes I am talking to you.
It can be a lonely journey, digging deep for energy when you are absolutely exhausted and just want to crash. When you have stuff going on but you have to put a smile on, play and make everything ok for your babies..When you’re self doubt is at its peak and you have to be there to hold your family up through thick and thin. All these thoughts, feelings and experiences have driven me to support women in many many ways. Impacting the way a woman births, helping her feel empowered and educated in making informed choices, helping families get some sleep, stopping them from losing their s***, saving their sanity and preventing depression or sleep deprivation.
A woman has a right to talk, ask for help, get educated, be empowered, say no and be a badass about how she births her baby and raises her family.
We grow little people inside our bodies. We bring babies into this world. We make this world a bigger place and we keep it going.
We are everything
You are everything
Infant certificate in reflux with aine homer
Human Design level 1 and 2 march
Infant Allergies, Reflux and Colic Training Babyem
Somatic Therapy Practitioner
Amplify Evergreen Group Programme
Daisy Aid Pediatric First Aid Training
SIDS and Safer Sleep Training
Certified Baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant
Diploma in Interpretation
Birth Doula Training
PG Dip Counselling
NVQ In Health and Social Care Level 3
Cert. in Counselling Skills and Theory
Children’s Safeguarding Training
CBT Training
Diversity When Protecting Children from Harm
Motivational Interviewing