Why Lockdown Is The BEST Time To Sleep Train Your Baby

by | Jan 9, 2021 | Baby Sleep

Why lockdown is the BEST time to sleep train…

  • You can clear your diary for 2 weeks to focus on sleep training (that’s whilst working!)

  • Once your little one is sleep trained you no longer have to rock, feed or cuddle to sleep – which means more time to devote to your other children, making the household easier to manage.

  • It will make your life easier if one of you is working from home. It will free you up and give you time for yourself as well as your evenings back!

  • During sleep training, you can tag team (if you have a partner), which means you both get more rest and support.

  • If you are travelling into the office and have to come home and go through a cleaning routine, the person doing the bedtime has it easier going it alone, as your babe will know how to self settle.

  • You will be ready to conquer the world upon completion of sleep training when things start to go back to normal or, we come out of lockdown. – Now is a great chance to address any room changes, routines, bedroom environments. You can make the best of clearing out or decorating, and getting your kids sleep areas all nice and jazzy!

  • You can focus on your emotional wellbeing, mental health and physical health during lockdown by getting on top of sleep deprivation and doing all the things you want to do rather then being exhausted.

Are you ready to start sleep training?

Let’s have a chat today to find out how I can help you.


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